The History Channel Salem Witch Trials Video Guide Answer Key

The History Channel: In Search of the Salem Witch Trials Video Guide. Name one of the countries that massive witch hunts happened in for 300 years prior. In Search of History: The Salem Witch Trials. The History Channel Video Presentation. View the presentation and answer the questions that follow: List three of the ways that witches were identified. Name the book that defined a witch. T or F Witchcraft was considered treason. T or F Witchcraft was not central to Puritan beliefs.

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Antares autotune 7 ilok crack free. People #1 How many people were accused? Over 200 #2 How many people were executed?

20 #3 Where were the people who were suspicious of witchcraft? Massachusettes #4 True/False.

The History Channel Salem Witch Trials Video Guide Answer Key

A certain group of people were accused of witchcraft false #5 True/False. People were accused between February 1692 to May 1693. True where/when #1 Where did they take place? Salem, Massachusettes #2 What year did the Salem Witch Trials start? 1692 #3 True/False. Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne were not accused of witchcraft.

False #4 Where were the best known trials conducted? Court of Oyer and Terminer #5 True/False. Tituba was accused of feeding her dog a cake that contained the urine of the afflicted in Salem. False what/why #1 True/False. People were put through tests to see if they were practicing witch craft or not.

True #2 True/False. After the trials were over, the colony later then admitted the trials were a mistake.

True #3 True/False. People of Massechusettes had constant mood swings which authorities thought were abnormal.

True #4 What were the Salem WItch Trials? A series of trials that accused innocent people of practicing witchcraft. #5 Why did the witch trials begin? Because towns people were scared of the behavior citizens were causing. Tests #1 Did the people think witches were controlled by the Devil if they couldn't recite a prayer. True #2 True/False. The dog was fed the witch cake to see if a person was a witch.

#3 True/False. Giles Corey was arrested as a suspected witch.

True #4 Where else was the test used? Europe #5 What was used to make the witch cake?

Rye, flour and urine miscellaneous #1 True/False. There were over 50 deaths during this time. False #2 True/False.

The Salem witch trials started in 1696. False #3 True/False. Authorities did not trial suspects, they immediately punished them true #4 What happened to Giles Corey? He refused to enter the plea, so he was crushed to death #5 True/False. Puritans did NOT believe that the Devil would never allow his subjects to recite the Lord's words in full. False Final Question.