Winselmann Sewing Machine Serial Numbers

Download teeworlds rcon hack free free play Rare Antique Vintage cast iron sewing-machine It is a LINNEA. By Bergson and Roberg out of Chicago Illinois it is a small chain stitch sewing machine from the1850 to 1900s the bottom has four small holes that can be attach to a base if you like, it is black with beautiful gold scroll design, 12”x6”width 9“ high,it is in good condition hand wheel/crank turns easily. It is missing the small bobbin box, this machine is one of the earlier sewing machines. You can use Wilcox and Gibbs needles or singer needles, this belonged to one owner and remained in her family until now. The sewing machine will need to be cleaned, It is as is no returns. Will ship insured with signature required.

The firm then became the White Sewing Machine Co. This New White. There are no markings anywhere, not even a serial number. Also, Winselmann and Dietrich made very similar machines called the Titan K and the Vesta.

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