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Tourism Minister Yariv Levin (Likud) met with Honduras President Juan Hernandez in the presidential palace in Tegucigalpa. Attending the meeting were Honduras' Foreign and Tourism ministers, as well as Israeli Ambassador to Honduras Mati Cohen. At the meeting, Levin emphasized the deepening relationship between Israel and Honduras, and thanked Honduras for their support of Israel and the US in the decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem.

Normalized URL: Submission date: Sat Mar 24 07. Server IP address: Country: Russian Federation. Short Communication Gastroprotective effects of Nigella Sativa oil on the formation of stress gastritis in hypothyroidal rats Khaled A. Abdel-Sater Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine for Boys, Al-Azhar University Assiut branch, Assiut, Egypt.

'There is great importance in moving your embassy to Jerusalem,' Levin said. 'We cannot accept a situation in which other countries attempt to dictate to us where our capital should be.

I am convinced that additional countries work to move their embassies to Jerusalem soon, and that Honduras will not wait, and will decide to move its embassy.' Hernandez expressed an understanding of the importance and international recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and told Levin that he had decided to appoint a senior staff to examine the issue of moving the country's embassy to Jerusalem. Hernandez and Levin also agreed to cooperate on tourism. As a result, Honduras will participate for the first time in the international tourism fair held in Israel.

Israel also promised to help Honduras develop its tourism industry, providing professional guidance in the field. Earlier this month, Honduran lawmakers calling on the government to move the nation’s embassy in Israel from its present location in Tel Aviv to the Israeli capital city of Jerusalem.

London draws people from all over the world. Some come on business, some come to study, to work or on holiday. London is naturally a very English city and it is very cosmopolitan, containing goods, food and entertainment, as well as people, from many countries of the world London stands on the river Thames. Crossing the river by the Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London. It is one of the oldest buildings of the city. Many centuries ago it was a fortress, a royal palace and then a prison.

Now it is a museum of arms. The Tower of London. The Tower of London is one of the most interesting historic sights of London. The Tower was founded during the Norman Conquest of England sometimes at the end of 1066. It has 20 towers and the most important of all is the White Tower, which was built by William the Conqueror.

On the bank of the Thames, not far from the Tower of London, you can see Westminster Palace, or the Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the British government and it is one of the most beautiful buildings in London. In one of its towers there is famous Big Ben, the largest clock of England. It strikes every quarter of an hour.

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Westminster Palace. Torrent anne clark discography full. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence. Tourists always go to see the ceremony of changing the Guard there.