Parker Team Player Survey Free Download

When it comes to team interactions, it’s tempting to believe that we should think and work in similar ways in order to be the most effective and experience the least conflict. Yet while a team made up of people who think alike is probably not going to experience much conflict, chances are they also won’t be especially dynamic or creative. After studying teams for decades, subject matter expert Glenn Parker has found that the best teams form when each individual (including the leader) understands that there are four primary types of team players, and that all are important. • The collaborator enjoys a big-picture focus, helping the team keep the longer-term goal in mind. • The contributor appreciates the details and provides a task-oriented viewpoint. • The challenger likes to ask tough questions and keeps the team on track. • The communicator is the people-person, focusing on mutual trust and team spirit.

Fortunately, Parker developed a survey, called The Parker Team Player Survey. You may be a Communicator. This team player is dedicated to ensuring effective process management. Purpose: The Parker Team Player Survey (PTPS) will help you identify your style as a. All of us deserve to work in a safe environment - one free of hazards,.

Of course, every strength can also be a weakness, and each of these styles sometimes goes too far. • The collaborator can get stuck in big-picture thinking, keeping the team from moving forward. • The contributor can be a perfectionist, mired in details and losing sight of the goal. • The challenger may become relentless and forget that playing “devil’s advocate” isn’t always necessary. • The communicator can appear frivolous to others, focusing on team spirit to the exclusion of the goal. Every style contributes when it’s used appropriately for each situation.

It’s the leader’s job to help team members (including themselves) identify their style and acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses so that each person understands what role they play. And it’s each team member’s responsibility to go two steps further. Knowing your role – your preferred, natural style – is just the beginning.

You also need to understand and acknowledge the value of other styles. And you need to challenge yourself when another style might be more useful or appropriate in a particular situation. There’s strength in diversity. All styles are good and necessary to create a balanced whole and achieve the goals set for your team and your organization.

Team Building: What Makes a Good Team Player? CRM Produced Run time: 20 Minutes Organizations depend on teams to develop new products, solve problems, improve quality, and increase productivity. This requires teams, and the members of teams, achieve quality outcomes quickly and effectively. This insightful video program focuses on the team player as the cornerstone of a productive and successful team -- and shows how team players can complement, challenge and inspire one another to new performance heights. Based on the principles developed by Glenn M.

Parker in the Parker Team-Player Survey, this video program depicts the four primary team-member styles • The Contributor • The Collaborator • The Communicator • The Challenger It explains that every team's goal must be to make the most of each team player's unique perspective. To accomplish this goal, team players must learn to: identify their own style and the style of other team members, avoid carrying their style too far, learn to acknowledge the value of others' styles, use the appropriate style to maximum team advantage, and learn to switch their style when it suits the needs of the team. Other Versions Available. Dora buji cartoon video in tamil download.