New English File Advanced Test Unit 1

New English File Advanced Test Unit 4.pdf Free Download Here. New ENGLISH FILE Advanced 1 Speaker 4 I got a laptop a little while back, so that I could do some. New ENGLISH FILE Advanced ProGrESS TEST FILES 1–3 New Headway Upper-Intermediate Tests - Sofia University. Videos for upper-intermediate to advanced English learners. 35 videos Play all New English File Upper Intermediate Video Improve. English File Upper-Intermediate unit 1 In the.

GRAMMAR 1 Underline the correct word(s). Example: I love my job. However/ In spite of, the commute is very difficult.

1 My bicycle was stolen, so / because I had to walk to school. 2 I didn’t study very much, and owing to / consequently, I didn’t pass the test. 3 I sold my car as a result / because I couldn’t afford the petrol. 4 He gave up running due to / since a knee injury. 5 She had to break the news gently so that / so as not to upset her father. Whatsapp tema gelap xml 6 We have a large umbrella in case / as it rains. 7 We think the house will sell quickly.

As a result / Nevertheless, we want to be sure it looks as good as possible when people come to see it. 8 I read the entire book, yet / therefore I can’t remember anything about the story. 8 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Example: Has Dana lived in Singapore since she was a child?

(live) 1 I ________ time to watch TV tonight. (not have) 2 Luis and Maria ________ married for 15 years and are very happy together. (be) 3 I can’t believe Paolo isn’t here yet. I ________ for two hours.

(wait) 4 ________ you ________ work late again tonight? (have to) 5 We didn’t have time to do it ourselves, so we ________ our lounge ________ by a professional.

(decorate) 6 How many guests ________ she ________ in her house right now? 6 3 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

Example: You need to take care of yourself when you’re ill. One yourself you 1 ________ can use the Internet for research when you write your term paper. One You Each other 2 ________ say it’s harder to learn languages after you’re 12. They They’re Their 3 ________ need to remember that we’re very lucky to have good food on the table for each meal. One Ourselves We 4 Alex talks to ________ when he’s writing. It’s pretty annoying! Myself each other himself 5 Bruce and I built the shed in the garden ________.

Ourselves by one another by myself 6 Do you and your parents talk to ________ every weekend? Yourselves each other another 6. Grammar total 20 VOCABULARY 4 Complete the words in the sentences. Example: The n uclear family is made up of the mother, father, and children.

1 My grandparents, uncles, cousins, and so on are my e________ family. 2 I don’t have a close r________ with my sister.

We talk about once a year. 3 My mother was b________ up in a small village in the mountains. 4 I guess there’s a s________ in the family cupboard, but I don’t know what it is. 5 Last time we had a big family g________ we had a really good time. 6 When my sister married my b________-in-law I was really happy, because he’s my best friend. 6 5 Underline the correct word(s).