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Full text of ' Ending its high school run, bus number 138, driven by Nancy Newberry, releases its captive students. It was one of the many school buses that stopped outside on Court St. Stepping off the bus at Port Huron High School, Jayne Hernandez looks forward to another exciting day. As a senior, Jayne found the school day at P.H. “old hat.” 2 Opening Ready for another day at the rat race, Kevin Nicefield limps off the bus, full of energy.

Kevin was a sophomore this year. Operating the new computer printer, Mrs. Rankin types a schedule change. The equipment was housed in the attendance office. Bussed In Print Out Hordes of yellow school buses rumbled into Port Huron High School before the light of day.

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The pre-dawn exit of bleary-eyed students began prior to half-past seven. The date was August 28, 1985. Freshmen emerged from the metal cocoon into the world of high school.

For them, it was “Back To The Drawing Board.” They must learn a new code of behavior, a new set of regulations, and orient themselves to a new building and new faces. Later that same day upperclassmen swarmed the famil- iar halls toward homeroom where schedules were distrib- uted. For them it was “Back To The Drawing Board” too, for new classes and a new class status. Speed and accuracy were the key words that described the new computer and printer purchased over the sum- mer to facilitate schedule changes here at PHHS.

The ex- panded system was set up to be able to give a list of stu- dents’ names by merely submitting a teacher’s name. The initial program was operational by September 1, 1985. The completed program ran the second semester. With the equipment right here in the building, time was saved. Prior to this year, changes had to be submitted to the In- termediate School District Building. Barely awake and ready for the busy day ahead of him, sophomore Mike Koob exits the bus. Following in the same manner, Fred DeBell gets off the bus ready to endure his day.

Several fellow students stood by waiting for friends to get off the bus. Opening 3 A Peerless Sight When the Peerless Cement Plant closed in 1973, the city of Port Huron acquired the property which caused the greatest city controversy of the decade. The use of the 42.5 acres of waterfront land became an issue of public debate between the city council and the city groups. In 1978, city officials proposed a multiple use plan which would include residen- tial, commercial and park areas of approximately equal value.

The vot- ers said no. The Michigan Court of Appeals became involved in 1983, when in- terested parties were distraught that their park proposal was kept off the ballot. Because the area is the site of the former Fort St. Joseph, archeologists were concerned that cultural resources might be de- stroyed. Various tourist attractions like a miniature of the St. Free download plugin alien skin eye candy 4000 v40. Torrent sound packs for logic problems. Lawrence Sea- way were also proposed and reject- ed for use in the area. It was Back To The Drawing Board again.