Dell Bios Update Command Line Error 105

Not even with a command line switch. I tried updating a Dell BIOS yesterday on a notebook without battery, looks like I indeed have to get a battery in order to update the BIOS. I agree, but the Bitlocker part works quite well on HP systems.

Update 3/17 – Update a couple sections to fix Bug in Script with assistance from the Dell BIOS Dev team. Uploaded the TS Export of this section. Download: 3/24 – Removed all of the Bios Files and Update Utility to comply with Dell’s EULA. Task Sequence Export – You can import this into your system and it will have all the steps., Then copy the steps into your working TS. No Content is included in this export. Create your own Package with the “Full Folder Structure Download” and link to that in your TS Original Post: Ok, So for a long time, You couldn’t upgrade Dell’s Bios in WinPE x64 because they didn’t have native x64 bios installer, this has recently changed.

– Download Mike wrote up a nice intro to the new utility I do all of our bios updates using the “Application Model” after the OS is laid down, so it has the 32bit subsystem, it works fine. But I know many people like to do it during PE. So I thought I’d play with it this morning and write up a script.

PreReqs for my script: Enabled PowerShell. Here are the things we’ve enabled: (Win10 1607 Boot Media) Benefits of doing it how I’ve setup. • One Script works for all models, you just have to setup your folder structure to match the Computer Model in WMI. • Grabs Bios Password from File, you only have to update one File if you change your Bios Password • Creates TS Variables to avoid Rebooting if already on same bios version.

• Creates Log file based on the Bios Update in the%temp% SMSTSLog Folder (X: windows temp SMSTSLog BiosFileName.log) • New Bios version release? No Problem, delete the old one, add the new one, update Package, done, no script change required. • It’s Fun Package Folder Structure. Make sure the subfolders exactly match the WMI Model Name Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_computersystem Select-Object -ExpandProperty Model Once you’ve created your Folder Structure, populate it with the latest Bios files for each model.

(Just download and place in the folder, no renaming required) Also, create a txt file in the package root called Bios.txt and put your Dell Bios password in that file. Now, the PowerShell script will query WMI for the Model, look for the bios file inside of the corresponding folder and apply it to the system using the Flash64w.exe utility. (It will pull the password from the bios.txt file in the root of your package) Updated Script from 3/17 Shown HERE: Based on the Exit Code of the Bios Update, it will create a TS Variable you can use to reboot, retry if low battery or continue on with your TS. – More info about Dell Exit Codes here I noticed it didn’t have them all though:. I trigger events based on Exit Code 2 (Successful but requires Reboot) and Exit Code 10 (Battery too Low).

You can easily add additional Exit Codes and create custom variables to have your TS do other thing based on those Exit codes. Now in your TS: Create Dell Upgrade Bios Group, and set to only run if a Dell Computer: select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where Manufacturer like '%Dell%' Create Run Command Line Step: powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -file. DellBiosUpgradePackage-2.0.ps1 Create another Group, This will run if the battery was too low to update the Bios. It will wait 10 minutes and try again.

Obrazec dogovora na tendernoe soprovozhdenie. If the Battery is still too low after that Point, it will continue on without updating Bios. – You can easily put a step here that will popup a message box about how the Bios Didn’t update, etc. SMSTS_BiosUpdateBatteryCharge = True Command Line Step: powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -Command 'Start-Sleep -s 600' It will then wait 10 minutes and try again, if successful, it will set variable SMSTS_BiosUpdateRebootRequired = true and continue onto the next group to reboot. If it fails due to battery again, it will set SMSTS_BiosUpdateBatteryCharge = True and show a Message that it probably has faulty battery. At this Point, you can click “OK” and let it continue, or turn it off and replace battery.